Deliver information about the latest discounts using powerful Discount popup presets

Lingerie Discount Popup (Fade)
Note: you need to have the following plugins installed and active for this preset to be rendered correctly:

Makeup Discount Popup (Move Up)
Note: you need to have the following plugins installed and active for this preset to be rendered correctly:

Stripes Discount Popup (Fade)
Note: you need to have the following plugins installed and active for this preset to be rendered correctly:

Circle Discount Popup (Zoom In)
Note: you need to have the following plugins installed and active for this preset to be rendered correctly:

Gradient Discount Popup (Vertical Flip)
Note: you need to have the following plugins installed and active for this preset to be rendered correctly:

Lovely Discount Popup (Horizontal Flip)
Note: you need to have the following plugins installed and active for this preset to be rendered correctly: